HomeBank English McDivitt Corpus

Karmen McDivitt
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba


Melanie Soderstrom
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba


Participants: 6
Recordings: 22
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5KK6G

Browsable transcripts

Download CHAT transcripts, ITS files, ACLEW annotations, and metadata

Media folder

Citation information

McDivitt, K., & Soderstrom, M. (2016). McDivitt HomeBank Corpus. doi:10.21415/T5KK6G

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Once there is a primary publication on the dataset that describes data collection in more detail, we will ask that to be cited as well.

Corpus Description

The McDivitt corpus contains recordings of children 0-2 years old born to young mothers, focusing on the child’s language environment. Each mother completed between 1-6 recordings using the Language Environment Analysis Digital Language Processor (LENA DLP; LENA Research Foundation, 2011). Participants were also invited to complete the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III; Bayley, 2006), the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (MCDI; Fenson et al., 2007), and the Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory (KIDI; MacPhee, 1981).


This project was funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant (2015-2020) to Melanie Soderstrom, a JG Fletcher Award (2015-2016) and Manitoba Graduate Scholarship from the Province of Manitoba (2015-2016) to Karmen McDivitt, and internal funding from the University of Manitoba.

Thank you to Alex Holt and Michael Whyte for assistance with data collection, and Dr. Jen Theule for conceptual contributions to the project, and the young Parent Centre in Winnipeg for assisting with recruitment.

Usage Restrictions

SES info., MCDI, and KIDI data should be kept within the password-protected section. For Living situation, individual details should not be given out publicly, but broad descriptions across the group are permitted.

These recordings are part of an ongoing, as yet unpublished, research study looking at the language environment of infants of young mothers. Researchers may include these data as part of any larger analyses not related to issues of adolescent parenting without obtaining further permissions, however permission must be obtained if there is a connection to adolescent parenting. If you are unsure whether your analysis qualifies as “related to adolescent parenting”, contact the researchers ahead of time to discuss the possible use of the data. We welcome requests to conduct analyses related to adolescent parenting, but in such cases would expect to contribute to the development of the project and be listed as authors on any resultant publications. These restrictions are in place until such time as the ongoing research project is complete. After the research project is complete, we will remove the restrictions and other researchers may use the dataset to perform analyses regarding adolescent parenting without our direct participation as long as the citation restrictions below are respected. Note that not all participants agreed to share their data with HomeBank, and as such, the dataset in HomeBank is not a complete record of the data being used for our research project.

All recordings, even if vetted, should remain in the private section. Permission must be obtained from the researchers before sharing any part of the recordings (e.g. for illustration purposes at a research conference).

Note that these data are in a special subsection of HomeBank for sensitive datasets. You can request access by filling out this application

This project also contains some human-generated annotations, created as part of the ACLEW project, which are found within the 0aclew folder. Please see this page for additional requirements related to use of those annotations.