HomeBank English Winnipeg Corpus

Melanie Soderstrom
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba


Participants: 2
Recordings: 8
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5SK6B

Browsable transcripts

Download CHAT transcripts, ITS files, ACLEW annotations, and metadata

Media folder

Citation Information

Soderstrom, M., Grauer, E., Dufault, B., & McDivitt, K. (2018). Influences of number of adults and adult: child ratios on the quantity of adult language input across childcare settings. First Language, https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723718785013

Soderstrom, M., & Wittebolle, K. (2013). When Do Caregivers Talk? The Influences of Activity and Time of Day on Caregiver Speech and Child Vocalizations in Two Childcare Environments. PloS one, 8(11), e80646.

Soderstrom, M. (2016). Winnepeg HomeBank Corpus. doi:21415/T58P6Q In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references. Where enough space is available, please cite both the corpus and at least one of the papers, to direct audiences both to where they can locate the dataset and to the publication. Where space is limited, please prioritize citation of one of the journal articles.

Corpus Description

This corpus was collected as a means of comparing the language experiences of 1 and 2 year olds across different childcare settings (i.e., at home, in a home-based daycare, or in a childcare centre. Because the corpus was collected prior to the advent of HomeBank, and due to the difficulty in collecting consent to share from/for all of the children, teachers and parents involved, only a small subset of the home-based recordings are donated to HomeBank. The full dataset is available upon request for collaborative analyses.


This corpus was collected with the help of a large number of RAs at the Baby Language Lab, including, but not limited to, Kristene Cheung, Joanna Bhaskaran, Dana Bernier, Jamie McDonald, Madeleine Simon and Elizabeth Grauer.

Usage Restrictions

Date of birth and recording date should be kept private.

This project also contains some human-generated annotations, created as part of the ACLEW project, which are found within the 0aclew folder. Please see this page for additional requirements related to use of those annotations.