HomeBank San Joaquin Valley Public Corpus

Anne Warlaumont
Department of Communication
University of California, Los Angeles


Gina Pretzer
Cognitive and Information Sciences
University of California, Merced

Sara Mendoza
Cognitive and Information Sciences
University of California, Merced

Eric A. Walle
Cognitive and Information Sciences
University of California, Merced


Sara Schneider
Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center
University of California, Merced

Jimel Mutrie

Lukas Lopez
Family and Consumer Studies
University of Utah

Chris Kello
Cognitive and Information Sciences
University of California, Merced

Participants: 11
Recordings: 11
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Merced, CA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/43YW-XE49

Browsable transcripts

Download CHAT transcripts, ITS files, ACLEW annotations, and metadata

Media folder

Citation Information

Anne S. Warlaumont, Gina M. Pretzer, Sara Mendoza, Sara Schneider, Jimel Mutrie, Lukas Lopez, Eric A. Walle, & Christopher T. Kello (2024). San Joaquin Valley HomeBank Corpus: Public Portion.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

These data are public samples transcribed through ASR from a longitudinal study of infant vocal learning and its relation to adult vocalizations (Ritwika et al., 2020). Data were collected in the Merced, CA area and include primarily English and Spanish speaking families. These data are a subset of the San Joaquin Valley HomeBank Corpus.

Ritwika, V.P.S., Pretzer, G.M., Mendoza, S., Shedd, C., Kello, C.T., Gopinathan, A., & Warlaumont, A.S. Exploratory dynamics of vocal foraging during infant-caregiver communication. Sci Rep 10, 10469 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66778-0


We would like to thank Gabriela Macedo, Ale Fontana, Alison Cao Romero, Katya Kha, Tim Shea, Jimel Mutrie, Troi Trua, and Chris Kello for their assistance with the data collection. The project is funded by NSF BCS-1529127 to Warlaumont (former PI), Kello (PI), and Gopinathan (Co-PI).