Mendoza Music Corpus

Jennifer Mendoza
University of Oregon


Caitlin Fausey
University of Oregon


Participants: 28
Recordings: 3988
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Eugene, Oregon, USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T47D-5K51

Media folder -- Password Access

There is also a .zip file of examples that is shared publicly at this location:

Media Zip file -- Public Access

Citation Information

Corpus Citation: Mendoza, J. K. & Fausey, C. M. (2018). Mendoza Music HomeBank Corpus. doi:

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

This is a resource of everyday music in infancy. Infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months wore LENA recorders at home. Each clip contains a segment of music identified in these recordings, with a 3 second buffer before and after the music. Please note that some of the music may sound very faint, especially if it is recorded music (e.g., television) and/or in the background with other sounds also occurring.

Coding manuals for how we identified music in day-long recordings are available on OSF (link to be shared when ready). Briefly, music bouts were uninterrupted music -- live singing and/or instrument playing, recorded singing and/or instrument playing, and pitched, rhythmic, repetitive patterns that were vocally produced and/or instrumental." For clips shared here, we added a buffer of approximately 3 seconds before and after each identified music bout.

Please note that the available clips are a subset of data analyzed in published reports from the UOLearningLab; some recordings and/or clips remain private in order to respect family consent and/or identifying recorded content. The publicly available dataset includes 1067 of the total of 3988 clips.

Read more about projects and publications at Please email Dr. Caitlin Fausey if you wish to work with these data and with any questions.


This project was partially supported by the GRAMMY Foundation and by the University of Oregon.

Usage Restrictions

The UO Learning Lab is currently coding and analyzing many aspects of these data. We expect to contribute several papers based on this corpus. We ask that you approach using this dataset in the spirit of collaboration -- please email Dr. Caitlin Fausey if you wish to work with these data. fausey at uoregon dot edu.