HomeBank English FieldsOlivieri25 Cry Corpus

Margaret Fields-Olivieri
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Participants: 25
Recordings: one daylong recording from each
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: United States
Media type: not availabile
DOI: doi:10.21415/1CQE-RQ78

Browsable transcripts

Download CHAT transcripts, ITS files, and metadata

XLSX files with cry information are available here

Citation Information

Fields‐Olivieri, M. A., & Cole, P. M. (2019). Sequences of toddler negative emotion and parent–toddler verbal communication during a waking day. Infancy, 24(6), 857-880.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

The Toddler Daily Language Environment (TodDLE) Project is a study of the intersection of emotional and verbal communication in the early toddler period. One purpose of the study was to examine the utility and feasibility of using LENA to measure toddler vocal negative emotion expression within their natural environment. The study capitalized on LENA’s ability to identify children’s vocal negative emotion expression (CRY) in addition to their (pre)-verbal vocalizations (VOC). This corpus includes .its files from daylong, at-home recordings from 25 toddlers (age 12-23 months; Mean age= 16.60 months). Due to state and IRB restrictions on recording in public without consent, families were asked to spend most of their time at home and to pause the recorder if they had an outing to a public location. Toddlers were only children in two-caregiver households. In addition to the .its files, Excel files with CRY data extracted are also shared. In addition, raw and percentile scores from the “Words Produced” subscale of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (CDI), raw scores from three subscales of the Bayley Screening Test (Cognitive, Receptive Communication, Expressive Communication), and standardized scores from the LENA Developmental Snapshot are included.


This corpus was collected by Margaret A. Fields-Olivieri under the mentorship and guidance of Dr. Pamela M. Cole. I would also like to thank the research assistants past and present who have helped process this data.

Usage Restrictions

Please contact me (maolivieri@uncg.edu) before submitting any manuscripts or earlier.