HomeBank English Fausey Trio Corpus

Caitlin Fausey
University of Oregon


Jennifer Mendoza
University of Oregon


Participants: 62
Recordings: 186
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Eugene/Springfield area, Oregon, USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5JM4R

Browsable transcripts

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Citation Information

Corpus Citation: Fausey, C. M. & Mendoza, J. K. (2018). FauseyTrio HomeBank Corpus. doi:10.21415/T5JM4R

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

Data were collected between December 2015 and September 2017 in Eugene/Springfield, Oregon. We aimed to collect three full daylong recordings within one week for each of 35 infants ages 26-53 weeks. Recordings are organized into the following subsets, noted in the Recordings Subset column of the metadata spreadsheet. Some of the files were coded as part of Dr. Jenny Mendoza’s dissertation (N_files = 28). Some files included in UO Learning Lab’s Trio Corpus (N_files = 84)

  1. Trio Full: at least 10 hours total recorded and at least 4 hours continuously recorded, for each of three days within one week. In the completed study, 35 families contributed to TrioFull. 28 of these families consented to share their recordings; data from the other TrioFull families remain private in the UO Learning Lab.
  2. Trio Else: Many families participated but did not contribute three full days. Some recordings were coded for the presence of music. These files are noted in the Recordings Music column.

More information about the music project associated with this subset can be found on this Open Science Framework link . Please note that we are sharing only recordings that parents consented to share with other researchers -- other recordings remain private, in the UO Learning Lab. Read more about projects and publications at uolearninglab.com.


This project was partially supported by the GRAMMY Foundation and by the University of Oregon.

Contact Information

If you would like to request supplementary information about these data or use them for research purposes, please contact Dr. Fausey: fausey@uoregon.edu, (543) 346-4951