1. DOB = date of birth 2. ID = 4-character subject identifier 3. isHL = has hearing loss 4. BEPTA = better ear pure tone average (dB HL) 5. BESII = better ear speech intelligibility index 6. ageID = age hearing loss identified (months) 7. ageAmp = age fitted with amplification (months) 8. isMale = is male 9. race: 1=Pacific Island, 2=Native American, 3=Black/African, 4=Asian, 5=White, 6=mix 10. edMom/edDad: 1=elementary school, 2=junior high, 3=GED, 4=high school, 5=enrolled in technical/vocational school, 6=completed technical/vocational school, 7=enrolled in university, 8=bachelor’s degree, 9=enrolled in graduate school, 10=master’s degree, 11=enrolled in doctoral degree, 12=PhD/JD/MD 11. CI = has cochlear implant