HomeBank | ![]() | HomeBank Corpora |
Homebank data is transcribed in CHAT format as described in the CHAT manual. Transcribed data have been cleared for public access. The extensive collection of audio data has been diarized but not transcribed. Those data are password protected and open only to HomeBank members. For information on how to apply for HomeBank membership, see this link. The use of public HomeBank data is governed by the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. The use of private HomeBank data is governed by the HomeBank Data Use Agreement for Unvetted Recordings. Please remember to read the documentation that accompanies each corpus and follow the guidelines for data-sharing.
This page provides an index to HomeBank data. In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from these corpora must cite at least one corpus reference (see citation info on corpus page) and acknowledge HomeBank grant support -- NSF SBE RIDIR Grants 1539129, 1539133, and 1539010.
Signed contribution forms are available here .
You can also browse the entire HomeBank database online from this link.
Special Projects: In addition to the full corpora listed below, there is a collection of Special Project data indexed here
Corpus | Participants | Recordings | Description | Access | Lead Contributor |
Bergelson Seedlings | 44 | 87 | Study of exposure to object words | members | Elika Bergelson |
Casillas | 54 | 54 | Tseltal families | limited | Marisa Casillas |
Cougar | 59 HI, 34 NH | 530 HI, 255 NH | English | members | Mark VanDam |
Cychosz | 22 | 645 | US and Bolivia | limited | Meg Cychosz |
DavisKean | 45 | 580 | US | members | Pamela Davis-Kean |
deBarbaroChaos | 14 | -- | 5-second samples of random noise | members | Kaya de Barbaro |
deBarbaroCry | 26 | 44129 | 5-second samples of cry and no-cry | members | Kaya de Barbaro |
Ellis | 11 | 12 | daylong recordings of Kindergarten teachers | limited | Alexa Ellis |
FauseyTrio | 62 | 186 | 3 daylong recordings per week per infant | members | Caitlin Fausey |
FauseyTrio-Public | 1 | 3 | 3 daylong recordings per week per infant | public | Caitlin Fausey |
FieldsOlivieri25 | 25 | 25 | cries, no audio | members | Margaret Fields-Olivieri |
Lyon | 16 | 49 | French | members | Marie-Thérèse LeNormand |
McDivitt | 6 | 22 | Children born to adolescent and adult mothers | limited | Karmen McDivitt |
MendozaMusic-Public | 1 | 3 | Sample from the larger password corpus | public | Jennifer Mendoza |
San Joaquin | 56 | 166 | Longitudinal study of children learning English and/or Spanish | members | Anne Warlaumont |
San Joaquin-Public | 11 | 11 | public samples from San Joaquin corpus | public | Anne Warlaumont |
VanDam-5-minute | 53 | 159 | 5-minute transcribed segments from daylong recordings | public | Mark VanDam |
VanDam-Daylong-Public | 1 | 1 | Complete transcriptions of daylong recordings | public | Mark VanDam |
Winnipeg | 2 | 8 | Comparison across different child care settings | members | Melanie Soderstrom |